Our vision is to provide Classical Pilates to our clients and to take great pride in staying true to the Pilates Method, investing in high quality equipment and classes that have been developed for you.
Joseph Hubertus Pilates (B. 1883 - D. 1967) was a German physical trainer, and notable for having invented and promoted the Pilates method of physical fitness. JP came to believe that the "modern" life-style, bad posture, and inefficient breathing lay at the roots of poor health. From the 1920s onwards he devised a series of exercises and training techniques, and engineered all the equipment, specifications, and tuning required to teach his methods properly.
Romana Kryzanowska (B. 1923 - D. 2013) was a trained ballerina who, after an ankle injury, was referred to Joseph Pilates' studio. She took on the task of running the studio after Pilates died in 1967, formalised a teacher training program and issued certifications from 1987. Her life played out as an unwavering commitment to learning the technique and Pilates Method, teaching it to willing participants and teachers all over the world.
Marco has a clear lineage back to Joseph Pilates, via Romana Kryzanowska. The training program, Authentic Pilates Education International (APEI), set up and owned by Olga Tamara in Sydney - Australia, is a direct result of the work Olga did with Romana. Principal teacher of the APEI Method in New Zealand, Katie Agnew, has also been certified by Romana and is running the teacher training program from her Auckland studio.
The program consists of a minimum of 600 hours training, observing and teaching at Basic, Intermediate and Advanced level, on all apparatus and for all abilities. Marco has been certified by APEI and is now a teacher trainer himself for the Teach Pilates training program.
Passionate. Genuine. Exceptional. Involved.
We love to do Pilates ourselves. When we travel, we like to visit a local outstanding Authentic Pilates studio and or teacher. Here are some of our favourites:
Authentic Pilates & Physiotherapy - Auckland, New Zealand
Authentic Pilates Studio - Sydney, Australia
The Movement Refinery - Melbourne, Australia
Pi Studios - London, United Kingdom
Connect Centre Pilates - Nelson, New Zealand